About this WebsiteMichael Bell, Cheyenne Arrowsling and Kendra Albers
Michael BellClass of 2012
Michael Bell is an undergraduate student at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, IN. He is part of the class of 2012 and is a dual degree in Computer and Mechanical Engineering. He is originally from Malibu, California.
Cheyenne ArrowslingClass of 2011
Cheyenne Arrowsling is an undergraduate at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and is studying Biomedical Engineering. Her hometown is located in Bedford, Indiana only a short distance away. At Rose she is actively involved in the Student Government Association, Rose-Hulman Efficient Vehicles team, and the ballroom dance club. She enjoys long walks on the beach, and sweet tea.

Kendra AlbersClass of 2010
Kendra Albers is an undergraduate at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and is studying Optical Engineering. At Rose she plays soccer and lacrosse. She is also actively involved with Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Circle K, and Chi Omega. She is originally from Knoxville, Tennessee.
Works Cited
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